Every week the Airport will be hosting a single local food truck from 11am to 2pm. This is a mutual business opportunity for the airport and local small business owners. The airport is not in a position to place a permanent restaurant on the field, despite years of inquiries and interest expressed by the public. This also provides a scenic venue for our local food trucks to set up operation and serve the community (must be licensed and permitted through the city) while utilizing extra advertising provided by the Airport.
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM CST
Every Thursday (weather permitting) from 11am to 2pm there will be a different food truck serving lunch.
Cleburne Regional Airport
1650 Airport Drive
Cleburne, TX 76033
open to the public, prices set by individual vendors upon arrival.
Tristen Riggins
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Printed courtesy of www.cleburnechamber.com/ – Contact the Cleburne Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1511 W. Henderson St., Cleburne, TX 76033 – (817) 645-2455 – info@cleburnechamber.com