Bono Baptist Church

Sundays, 9:45am - Sunday School; 11am - Worship
Wednesdays, 6pm - Bible Study
Driving Directions:
6349 Bono Road, Godley, Texas 76044
About Us
Bono Baptist Church is a dynamic church located in Bono, Texas. Our beliefs are based on the Bible and centered on Jesus Christ. Our mission is very simple: to lead people to honor and glorify Jesus Christ through discipleship. That means we are all about helping people from all backgrounds to discover the joy that comes from knowing and serving Jesus Christ.
We invite you to come and check us out this Sunday at 9:45 AM for Sunday School for all ages and at 11:00 AM for worship. You’ll discover a warm atmosphere, teaching from God's Word and lots of friendly people.
God made a promise that if we seek after Him, we’ll find Him. You are a valued part of God’s creation and His deep desire is to be in a relationship with you. So come and join us as we grow in the Lord together!

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