Childress Engineers, Inc.

8 AM to 5 PM M-F
Driving Directions:
2 Blocks North of W. Henderson (US 67B) on Ridgeway Drive
About Us
Childress Engineers, Inc. is an experienced civil engineering firm located in Cleburne, Texas. In 2023, the firm celebrated 60 years of service. It was founded in 1963 and incorporated in 1992. We take pride in furnishing professional, personalized service with careful attention to each of our client’s needs. Our firm is large enough to handle several large projects and small enough to pay attention to the smallest details. The firm was founded by Robert T. Childress, Jr., P.E. and is currently under the direction of Benjamin S. Shanklin, P.E. and Robert T. Childress, III, P.E. The principals in the firm are directly involved with each and every project in order to insure the best product for our clients.
We currently provide design services for several municipalities, numerous water districts and rural utilities along with private developers. Through the years, we have furnished engineering services for water supply, water transmission, water storage, water distribution, sanitary sewer collection and treatment, paving, drainage, rail spurs, airports and other general civil engineering projects as well as provide general consultation and plan review services for several of our clients. We offer construction phase engineering and resident representative services to help our clients complete their projects efficiently and economically. The firm has qualified and experienced resident representatives available for on-site observation. We currently service water systems that range in size from just a few hundred to 15,000 connections.