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Hope is Strong Ministries, Inc.

Hope is Strong Ministries, Inc.

Organizations & Non-Profits

About Us

We are an International Nonprofit, currently serving vulnerable children, their families and widows in Tanzania, Africa and in Zambia, Africa. We provide both, physical and spiritual needs.

We have just launched our new, local warehouse and are accepting donations for children/youth clothing as well as hygiene essentials.

You can join us by ; inviting us to come share the ministry with your group, host a mission event, join a mission trip and more!


New Tanzanian Church Partnership : Kinyambwiga
Widows Ministry in Bunda, Tanzania
Meal Ministry in Tanzania
Ribbon Cutting Celebration
Student Ministry in Tanzania
Donors Provide Bibles in Tanzania
Vulnerable Children Receive Meals
Future Orphanage in Tanzania
Local Warehouse - Accepting Donations
Local mission events - GA Camp
Women's event - encouraging mission-minded women
Mission Trips

Rep/Contact Info

Becky Willyard
Executive Director