2023 Johnson County Sheriff's Posse 4th Annual Ranch Rodeo
Planned Ranch Cowboy/Girl Events:
Team Doctoring is an event that is accomplished on horseback with one cowboy roping the head and another roping the heels. As the calf is held with ropes from both ends, the doctoring takes place. The ranchers are faced with a limited number of tries, which makes this event intense and exciting to watch.
Stray Gathering deals with getting cattle out of the pasture and transported to another location. Sometimes it’s not that easy. Most strays are strays for a reason; they aren’t gentle enough to pen easily. Cowboys to this day are paid to find cattle, rope them and tie them down. They then return as soon as possible to transport them to the headquarters or to market.
Trailer Loading is a team event where a steer is released into the arena and the cowboys ride toward the steer in an effort to rope it. Usually, the steer is roped on both ends (horns and feet) in order for the team to more easily control the animal’s speed and direction while attempting to load into a trailer. When the steer is loaded into the trailer and the gates are properly closed behind it, the time stops.
Wild Cow Milking is an event that often brings laughter and heightened anticipation as a team of four cowboys does whatever it takes to catch and milk a wild cow. When the cow is roped, three team members on the ground hang on the best way possible to bring the cow to a standstill so that one of the team members can collect milk in a long neck bottle and run to the finish line. If no milk is collected the team gets no points.
Mutton Bustin’ is a crowd favorite! It is a fun-filled competition where a few lucky youngsters have a chance to ride on the back of a running sheep for six seconds. Participation is limited to boys and girls who weigh less than 60 pounds. Due to the phenomenal local interest in this event we will hold a qualifying event that morning and bring the top riders back to compete during the evening performance.
Youth Bronc Riding (Thursday & Friday Performance) This event has experienced rapid growth within the youth group and is one of the events included in the youth national finals held in Las Vegas each December in conjunction with the NFR. These young cowboys compete for cash and prizes the same as the adults do but on smaller livestock.
Special Ranch Bronc Riding Competition Saturday evening performance.
Date and Time
Thursday Aug 24, 2023 Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Sponsorships Available! Please call 817-366-2045!